Introduction Kenneth Boulding

©1981 Kenneth Boulding

One of the striking things about the human race is that it has the capacity, which is now in considerable part realized, of developing an image of the whole universe as it spreads out in space and time. It is doubtful whether even the most intelligent non-human creature on earth has developed more than an image of its immediate environment or its own life-span.

This extraordinary ability of the human race is in large measure a result of its capacity for interpreting the present structures of which it is aware as records of the past, for it is by interpreting these structures as records that we are able to build up in our minds images of the past, extending now perhaps 10 or 20 billion years.

The record of the past is, of course, very imperfect. In the first place, it is only a minute part of the past which leaves records at all. Furthermore, the record of the past is not only a very small sample but an extremely biased one, biased by durability, for only what is durable in the past survives into the present. We build up our image of the past by our interpretation of these durables: light waves, hydrogen atoms, rocks, fossils, bones, prints, impressions, chipped flints, pots, ruins of buildings, shells, middens, durable human artefacts, inscriptions, papyri and scrolls, books and cassettes.

Out of these fragments of the past that have survived we construct images in our minds of the world or even the universe as a succession of constantly changing states through time. How we do this is still a bit of a puzzle. We have, in the first place, an enormous capacity for fantasy, for imagining worlds that we have not experienced; the innumerable myths of religions, the gods of Japan and of Olympus, the adventures of the Odyssey, the world of faerie and of midsummer night's dreams, the romantic and the Gothic novel, and science fiction. Some of this we recognize as fantasy, some we believe to be the truth.

The belief that a particular image is true may just come from authority. When we are children, we believe what our parents tell us, and even when we are adults, we believe what those in authority over us tell us. The other source of the belief that something is true is evidence, and that again is puzzling, as to what evidence is convincing and what is not. Evidence is what confirms or contradicts an image of the world. In some cases, evidence is easy and unambiguous. This is frequently the case in ordinary daily life. We have an image in our mind of our friend's house; we go there, we find it has burned down, we perceive therefore our image was untrue, and we revise it accordingly.

Even in our daily life, however, evidence is ambiguous. What was it we ate that gave us a stomach ache? What did I do to my wife that made her angry? The ambiguity of evidence is what gives the detective story its interest and the law its terrifying hold over us. Were Sacco and Vanzetti guilty?

In some cases we resolve the ambiguity of evidence by experiment. This has been very important in science. It only applies, however, to systems which are stable, repeatable, and divisible, such as chemical systems, in which, for instance, all hydrogen atoms are essentially similar.

We cannot do experiments on unique events, and we cannot experiment on the past. We may probe its records experimentally, but otherwise all we can do is make records, collect durables, compare them, interpret them, and perceive inconsistencies between our image and the record.

New records are discovered; new durables emerge, like Carbon 14; lost documents are discovered, like the Dead Sea scrolls; and our image of the past changes. It is always, however, very insecure, very fragmentary, and constantly subject to change.

Under these circumstances, it seems brash to talk about an evolutionary perspective. How can we possibly know anything about the enormous complexities of the past with the extremely meager and biased evidence that we have?

Two considerations give us reason to go on being brash. One is the capacity of the human mind for perceiving not only logical necessities, the kind that are involved in mathematics, but also what might be called empirical necessities, or near necessities, images of systems and relationships which "almost have to be that way."

Many of the great laws of science are indeed truisms or near-truisms. They do not really require any empirical evidence, except perhaps in regard to the field of their application. Conservation laws are a good case in point. If there is a fixed quantity of anything, all we can do is push it around. A certain increase in one place must mean a corresponding decrease in other places.

Even the famous second law of thermodynamics, the entropy principle, has this quality of being a new truism, especially if we restate it in terms of negative entropy or potential, in which case it takes the generalized form that, if anything happens, it is because there is a potential for it happening, and after it has happened, that potential has been used up.

A fundamental principle I call frivolously the "bathtub theorem" is really an example of the entropy law in very simple form, that the increase in the quantity of anything is equal to the additions minus the subtractions. This might also be called the basic law of population, and again it is an identity.

The principle of ecological interaction is the first foundation of the evolutionary perspective. It is also in structure very close to being a truism. We define an ecosystem as a system of interacting populations of different kinds or species. Then we suppose that the additions to and subtractions from, and therefore, the rate of growth of the population of any one species depends upon, or in mathematical terms is a function of, the size of all the populations in the ecosystem, including its own.

Essential to the existence of an ecosystem is the law of eventually diminishing growth of any one population as its size increases. As the population of any species grows, its rate of growth will decline until eventually it is zero, at which point the population is said to be in equilibrium and is occupying a "niche."

Here, again, this is what might be called an empirical truism, proof or which is that if it were not so far any species, its population would expand forever until it filled a continually expanding universe.

The law of diminishing returns in economics is a special case of the empirical truism, proof of which is that if it were not so, we could grow all of the world's food in a flower pot, and everybody knows this is absurd. An empirical truism, therefore, might also be defined as a proposition which, if it were not true, would lead to absurdity.

The evolutionary perspective supposes, therefore, that at any one moment in time or space there will be an ecosystem and that with a given set of parameters this will move to an equilibrium at which the rate of growth of all populations in it is zero.

In some places this equilibrium is remarkably stable, for the parameters are stable. On the surface of the moon, for instance, the interaction of its various rocks has virtually ceased. It had changed very slowly indeed over at least 3 billion years, apart from the impact of an occasional meteorite, until the intrusion of the human race, the garbage of which may well be around for another 3 billion years.

On earth, however, the evidence suggests that ecosystems have been extremely unstable and have undergone constant and irreversible change in their parameters. This is because of the development of life and therefore of populations of species which are self-reproducing and which have constant additions and subtractions.

On the moon the population of rocks suffered neither addition nor subtraction, so they are very stable, apart from an occasional addition from outer space. With the advent of DNA, on earth, with its two extraordinary properties of self-reproduction and of organizing the growth of reproducing phenotypes, a process of extraordinary irreversible change began on earth, which is bioevolution. The principal evidence for this, of course, is fossil remains, which can be dated, at least approximately, by their position in the sequence of rocks and now, of course, to some extent by radioactive dating.