What Will Others Say?
Let The People Sing What's The Big Idea? Is It Allowed? How Does It Work? Is It A Good Idea? What Will Others Say? If it's not illegal now, we will make sure it soon will be.
Who is we?
Why does job sharing worry you so much?
What are you afraid of?
Do you fear losing your power to compel people to do your bidding?Not enough room in the debating chamber.
No problem. One of us will agree to always stand out in the lobby.
And while we're there, we'll have a chat with the lobbyists from Volvo, Siemans, Phillips, Olivetti, GEC, the French Farmers Union...there are so many...and their lawyers and PR people.
Who knows? We might even learn a thing or two...all of us.Not enough office space:
We'll put in another desk and share the office as well as the job.
Twice as much travel expenses:
We'll just claim what we spend...which will end up costing the taxpayer considerably less than other Euro MPs charge.
Double use of library facilities etc.
It will make a change to see them being used particularly as they are costing the tax payers an arm and a leg.
How much more sensible to let elected representatives use the facilities instead of having dozens of American college kids run around the parliament doing research for college credits in the US...like they do in the UK Parliament...and on Capitol Hill.Not normal democratic practice
Juries have alternates...and what is more democratic than twelve good men & true?
The original idea was for the US President to job share with the Vice President.
German Greens have applied the rotation principle successfully for a long time.
MPs die, others resign, new MPs are elected to replace them at by-elections, so it is most unusual for voters not to be represented by different people from year to year.
Most politicians present themselves as job sharing...with their wives.
What differentiates the George Bush/Barbara Bush ticket from the Bill Clinton/Hilary Clinton ticket is the way the labour is divided...between the job sharers themselves and between them and their entourages.
Job sharing is not only democratic but very very normal.Young people are not old enough to be Euro MPs
If they are old enough to vote, they are old enough to represent voters.
Besides most of the world is under 25 so what could be more representative?At the end of the day there has to be individual responsibility
So two senators for each state in the US is irresponsible?
Look how top jobs and fat cat director salaries are shared around on company boards.
Who decides how Euro MPs vote? Whose interests do they represent?Two people are much harder to corrupt than one
Yes, we see your problem. But we're sure you'll find a way around it.
Everyone has their price...or so you are always telling us.
Let The People Sing What's The Big Idea? Is It Allowed? How Does It Work? Is It A Good Idea? What Will Others Say?